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My heart beats like crispy pityóka chips.

I don't remember when was exactly the last time I wrote here… really. I know I have written two times (so this one is the third), but I can't say when it was. I guess I have to explain why… no, I can't explain it… really I can't. You have to feel it by yourself and make something like a European Voluntary Service to know what means when you don't even know in which day of the week you are right now. And is fabulous! Completely amazing!

I don’t remember when was exactly the last time I wrote here… really. I know I have written two times (so this one is the third), but I can’t say when it was. I guess I have to explain why… no, I can’t explain it… really I can’t. You have to feel it by yourself and make something like a European Voluntary Service to know what means when you don’t even know in which day of the week you are right now. And is fabulous! Completely amazing!

  1. – The potato festival, or in Hungarian “pityóka fesztivál”. Starting from here, this is a festival in kézdivásárhely (I never thought that was possible to see more than one “´” in the same word) about potatoes. You can register a group of 4 persons and participate. The goal is cooked with potatoes almost everything, and of course being something good for the taste. And you only have one big bowl in the place to make everything so… we have been cooking since the night before the event until 16:00 of the next day. In my opinion is a very good event, and very funny in fact, but when you finish cleaning all the stuff you don’t want to see another potato in all the week (but you have to because there is too much food and you have to take home). Oh and we won a trouser for men and the tittle of “the most international food”. I’m proud of it, really. – The plants. Being an environmental scientist don’t must be a problem for me. But it can put your patient in the limit line when you need to search the correct information of 122 plants. And in addition, the name is in Latin and then you find that this name have a synonym name in Latin also… and you start to laugh of nerves. But don’t worry because you can always choose another plant because you have 121 more. But is my love the plants and the animals so I make it happy. I’m anxious to see the final result of this work with my mates. – The city days! A lot of people in the town, a lot of food, beer and very different kind of music. It was very funny. I remember seeing a group of musicians playing in the stage, and I guess they are from Keszdi. The girl playing the guitar was completely amazing. I saw her a few times in the city, but it was a surprise when I saw her playing the guitar.

I can add to the list the Green sun meeting, the ping pong class, three days working with treasure hunter, travels with the bikes, Hungarian lessons, …. By the way yesterday I met three boys from Spain here living in Keszdi for a time. Here every day is full of surprises! This year here will be amazing. So with this kind of activities I can try to show why my days get mixed (and because we work also on Saturday) and why I don’t know in which day I am…. But I guess… it was the same when I was living in Spain so… Hamarosan találkozunk!


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