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Moving afternoon – Season opening with cycling and ball bouncing


Green Sun Association in partnership with the Sport Office in Târgu Secuiesc, has been organizing for six consecutive years the Moving afternoon event. For the 33 ocazion was organized on Wednesday, February 26th. Photos from the event can be viewed on the association’s Facebook page.

The event, with a long tradition, focused on the involvement of young people from the Târgu Secuiesc region, but the multitude of programs that enriched the free event were aimed at families. Each time all ages are represented from young children to adults, who enjoy the two and a half hours. On the active afternoon in February, more than one hundred people participated, who could play table tennis, ran, played mikado and pedaled along with the members from the KSE bicycle section, played football with the members of the Puskás Ferenc Gombfoci club  and thanks to the organizers were able to try out different board games and coloring pages.In addition, those present could observe the interactive hour of yoga held by Hodor Enikő.

In the last part of the event was organized a competition of ball bouncing. The winners of the competition organized in several categories were Bede Roland, and Dumitru Beata Andrea. On the imaginary podium for third place was a dispute between Bánffy Szabolcs and Sipos Szabolcs, and the silver was eventually won by the first with two points ahead. According to the plan, the event will also be organized in March, so those who did not attend can come next time. Doctors recommend for everyone the laughter, because it does good to health. This event will bring a smile to the faces of the participants. Smile and good mood is assured.

The event could be organized with the support of the Bethlen Gábor Foundation and the European Solidarity Corps

Author: Ráduly Attila


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