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International Day of Peace for the 5th time

On 21 September 2013 from 6 PM a commemoration of the International Day of Peace will take place for the 5th time in the organization of the Green Sun Association and the sport office of Kézdivásárhely. Come with us on Saturday afternoon and let’s form together the sign of peace between the Sports Arena and the stadium of the guild city! Help us show that we are many who want to change the world! If it’s possible, please come in white t-shirt/top/blouse/jacket. You can check our last action by watching the following short movie: click .

After the happening a film screening will take place in the sport motel’s lounge: Jeremy Gilley – Peace One Day (with Hungarian subtitles). Here will take place a presentation also, held by the Diabetic Children’s and Youth’s Association of Kovászna County with the title “Peace = Health”. On 21st of September we celebrate the Day of Peace, but can we talk about real peace nowadays? Since the end of the II World War not a single day has passed on Earth without an armed fight. Nowadays, one third of the Earth’s population lives in a war zone. Partner: Local Government of Kézdivásárhely and the Youth in Action program

Translated by Péter Csilla Poster design: Gema Puerma Castillo


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