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“Made in Europe”

Between 16 to 24 September Green Sun association took part in a new youth exchange in Spain. This time four countries was present: Spain, Latvia, Romania and Bulgaria, who had the opportunity to become familiar with their culture and the miraculous world of Fuerteventura. The project entitled Made in Europe was funded by Erasmus +. Photos from the event are available on the Facebook page of the association.

Our team had 6 member: Janka Borsai and Csiszár Borbála students in Nagy Mózes Lyceum class XII, Lukács Renáta and Tóth Tekla from Bod Péter Pedagogical High School and Erdő Kinga. The leader of the group was Györgyjakab Boróka member of the association and drawing teacher of Nagy Mozes Lyceum. The purpose of the youth exchange was for the participants to carry out different craft activities to share to others their culture. Team of Latvia has prepared bouquets, the team of Bulgaria jewelry, tablecloths with traditional decorations and a mask to remove the evil forces. Our team show to the others how to blend, and the method of cross sewing. In addition to these activities they participated in trekking activities.

Bathing in the ocean and hiking, helped them to discover the unique and strange landscape. They took part in a pilgrimage (with deep tradition on the island), they visited several museums (Ecomuseo La Alcogida, Museo del Grano La Cilla), they met with local youths, to whom they promoted the possibilities given by Erasmus + . They discovered the port city, the beach and the Poerto del Rosasrio ‘s narrow streets and not least take a look in the details of a longer project, which aims to help restore the population of turtles on the island. Trough non formal evaluation was outlined that each participant was enriched with more knowledge during the 9 days and charged with positive energy. We said goodbye full with new ideas for future projects and not least with a lot of friends.

Author: Györgyjakab Boróka

Translated by Derzsi Katalin


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