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The newest publication of Green Sun Association

Green Sun Association has recently released a teaser publication of the project called “Equal opportunities for all”. The teaser was designed by Boróka Györgyjakab and can be found (hungarian version) on the webpage.

In the last few months the team of the greens implemented a project called “Equal opportunities for all” for disadvantaged/underprivileged young people. The project was implemented under the coordination of Attila Ráduly and Eszter Derzsi coach. The program was made up of several parts, there was an essay competition where the winners had the opportunity to attend a one-week-long study training at Ojtoz in the Anselmo Inn. The project aims young people (from socially or geographically disadvantaged areas) to realize that they also have their place in this world. In the camp these young people had the opportunity to speak about their own life situation, their experienced problems resulted by this; during all training sessions they learned practical information, and under the leadership of the trainers they participated in social networking games. The thematic days, based on non-formal education, had a great impact/made a strong impression on the participants; many of them realized the importance of volunteering. In this way many people joined to some regional non-governmental organizations where they can feel themselves truly useful. If there’s a common path where you can start, don’t hesitate, feel free to start, because with good will you can and you will succeed. The small summary brochure about the camp, which summarise the lessons learnt during the camp is a strong evidence for this. Among other things, you can read a short description of the speakers, the anthem of the camp composed by the participants, their letter addressed to Mother Earth and you can view the flag of the camp. However, the twenty-page color brochure provides guidance for unemployed people looking for a job: it contains a sample of the Europass CV and a letter of motivation, and last but not least presents in more detail the European Voluntary Service. People over 18 years can go to volunteer in the EU or in a South-East European country in the framework of the EVS (European Voluntary Service), they have the right for full board and pocket money (the value varies by country). The team of the Green Sun Association wishes a useful and meaningful browsing for all! The project has been realized by the 1.2. subsection of the Youth in Action Program.

Translated by Péter Csilla


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