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The last edition of the newspaper “ESC Times” of 2022

ESC TIMES Alik and Mariamushka

Dear followers of Green Sun Association! We are announcing the last edition of the newspaper “ESC Times” for this year. And we are starting with an interview with our local volunteer, Pálma Csáki, who shared with us about her volunteering journey in a dog shelter.  Also, we can find an interview with our former ESC volunteer Alen Margaryan. 

Then, we can read a short summary of the activities organized by the Green Sun Association in the last three months. You can read about the new Erasmus+ KA2 Strategic partnership project “StartUP Your Dreams” which was held in our city. The new ESC volunteer Mariam Evanesyan shared her experience of attending the Ashihara Karate club. On other pages, we can find about our volunteers’ visit to Seven Ladders Canyon, and also about their visit to the Armenian community of Gheorgheni\Gyergyószentmiklós. 

On the last page, we can see the recipe for the Sali or Tavushian pancake (Tavush is a region in Armenia, where Mariam was born). Here we also can see the announcement of the Armenian club which will start soon. The newspaper was made by our new ESC volunteers Alik Mazmanyan and Mariam Evanesyan (both from Armenia). 

Thanks to everyone for reading, and happy holidays. Later you can find our newspaper on our website, or get your copy from Green Sun Association’s office!



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