Green Sun Association as a sending organization participated in a Project in Bulgaria during September 2013, Gajdó Zsuzsa from Uzon and Mihály Szilárd from Sepsiszentgyörgy were the participants. The photos about the event can be viewed on the Green Sun Association’s facebook page.
The project was about arquelogical site in Pistiros for one month. The participants countries were; Romania (Transylvania), Spain, Italy, Slovakia, Serbia, Turkey, and Bulgaria. On 14th October the volunteer Szilárd was explaining in the Sport Motel all this experience. They were living with a Slovakian girl and working together. They found some interesting pieces, which were going to be categorized. Also they had time to visit a little bit of Bulgaria and also some culinary gastronomy. They had a good time and it’s was a very good experience in general.
Author: Gema Puerma Castillo