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Green morning in the kindergarten


The smallest ones can be and must be included in the environmental education, say the members of Green Sun Association. This is the reason why they visited another kindergarten on the 25th of October, namely the No. 2, where they were invited by Trufasu Beáta, teacher of the kindergarten. Photos made that day can be seen on the Facebook page of the Association.

 During the activity, the little children are not only taught with words, but also shown in a playful way, how they can protect and respect nature. Almost 20 kindergarteners had the opportunity to learn about the importance and practicality of the trees; outlining that they provide a place to hide and food for animals, also help to clean the air and increase the oxygen level of the Earth’s atmosphere.

Volunteers of the Environment+ project ended the activity with a dance and singing.

Sponsor: European Solidarity Corps, Bethlen Gábor Alapkezelő Ltd. 

Picture: Asiye Demirci


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