On the newest pages of Green Sun Associacion’s sheet we can read about the organisations second birthday, Clean Feketeügy! River cleaning action, the places the association gained at this years cooking competitions, and detailed programme of the actions in september, between many others. From the sheet compiled by Biro Levente the readers find out that the most active volunteer of the season is Péter János . On the sheets popular Green Practices heading you can read Tóth Katalin – environmental protector specialists writing about ate secrets of green offices, As a Vvolunteer at Green sun – under this title you can read Gyöne Anna GSA activists report. From Porczel Beáta s pen the enquirer can find out in the newly started Natures Power heading the uses of the blueberry and nettle. On the third sheet appeared at the end of september we can inform ourself about the third and fourth Nemere Trail Camps. Ráduly Attila – president of association is presenting very punctually the bicycle tour which took more days. Readers can have a singht into the interview which Csont Zsuzsa made with the president at the occasion of the secont birthday of the associations. The three-monthly appearing free sheets can be accesed on the nate at the page page zoldnap.info.
Translated by F.Zs.