“A perfection of means, and confusion of aims, seems to be our main problem.” (Albert Einstein) I would like to stress out the importance of acknowledging and reducing the consequences of climate change, by supporting an agriculture which is environmental-friendly and free of gene-altering. Climate change Protecting our climate is the responsibility of all of us, because – besides the industry, agriculture and traffic – the households are one of the most significant emitters of gases which lead to the greenhouse-effect. We can already encounter personally the “symptoms” of this, for example the more and more frequent extreme weather. Food safety The state of health of the inhabitants of Transylvania shows a deteriorative tendency: the number of those who suffer of digestive system diseases is increasing, more and more people complain of allergic symptoms. Nowadays it is obvious that these diseases are mainly caused by the overdriven lifestyle, the malnutrition and the fact that most of our food is far from being healthy: they contain thyrostats, flavour enhancers and artificial colouring. This is why environmental – friendly products and services are needed in Transylvania, greenmarkets packed with traditional local products and eco-friendly enterprises, which would help creating new jobs. I always wished to be a member of a community, as a volunteer, to do labour of public utility, to delight children and adults, to make our environment cleaner, by doing activities like cleaning the watercourse, planting saplings, building playground for a kindergarten or wrapping gifts. My motto is that I am only a guest on Earth! If you feel like joining to our group, apply today, so we can make Kézdivásárhely and its surroundings cleaner and healthier, and keep our eyes open all through Transylvania. I wish the volunteers of the Zöld Nap Association all the best in life!
Translate: Farkas Zita
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