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A new look for the Green Sun Association website

With the ever-changing nature of needs, we are always trying to take steps for the improvement of our website. This can happen based on the opinion of our partners and continuously taking into consideration the needs of the users. As a result of that another step was taken, which, in our opinion, helps in fine-tuning the functionality of our website.

Our website became more informative, more modern, but at the same time no structural changes were made. From now on, we are welcoming you with a fresh look, new functions and a friendlier interface. The reason behind our rejuvenation was to provide an easy to manage, user friendly interface for our visitors and partners. Thereby getting to know our association will be a true experience. Thanks to this update you can find detailed information about our everyday activities, ongoing projects. Not only the outside elements, but the contents of the website were significantly updated – expanded. There is still a lot of work awaiting us, thereby you can expect new functions, and changes in the near future as well.

Pleasant and useful browsing!


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