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Together for peace

 On September 21st, the Green Sun Association was celebrating the International Day of Peace. This year the motto of the day was : “Together for Peace: Respect, Safety and Dignity for All”! Photos taken at this event can be viewed on the association’s Facebook page.

Preparing for Peace day event for Green Sun started from Monday. They were  Green Sun school in  Albis village.  The volunteers of Green Sun Association  elucidated children about symbol of Peace(From where is coming the Peace symbols). Children with the help of volunteers made also handcraft. The schoolchildren could formulate their thoughts on peace in one sentence, indicating the color papers on their hands, which were pasted by the organizers in the city sports hall.

On Thursday Green Sun Association were in Bod Péter Tanítóképző school, where the sign of love  in the school yard was shown big heart with a mass shooter for describing the purpose of the event.

The organizers continued the thematic celebration at the  Sport Center. Members of ceremony created the international symbol of peace and started to say  Peace poems and messages by nine different languages. As a closing event  members of ceremony made a torch  peace march.

Author: Haykuhi Harutyunyan

Photo: Derzsi Katalin


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