After surviving several days of storm, the land of the SIC fest was prepared to enjoy with children`s the last Saturday (13.08.2016). Not only youngsters could delight with some music groups like Ocho Macho during nights, but also during morning and afternoon children’s could play in very different types of games meanwhile listening traditional music.
Through some handcraft games like fishing socks or Mollky, the children got “money” to use in the stands were they could paint ginger bread, make crocodiles or dragons with toilet role paper or paint their face with some cartoon . Although the morning looked a bit cloudy, during afternoon the sun shined and the mood started to appear.
Green Sun Association enjoyed a lot with all the children`s who wanted to know more about recycle materials and starting with some animals with toilet role paper we ended doing flowers and also the children could learn the things that somebody can do with one piece of cardboard that every people has in their homes.
A very nice day in the middle of the wildlife with good music and families.
Silvia Blanco González.