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With Elemér on the NEMIRA trail 2 days bike tour

Do you like to ride the bike and have spirit of adventure? Then do not hesitate! Your place is definitely here! Come on September 12-13 on the competition organized by the Green Sun association and go with Elemér, the little hedgehog, following his story. The first day bicycle tour will be an exceptional one because we invited those who are interested about the world of fairytale.

The teams (register in advance) start Saturday at 9 am in front of the stadium Sinkovits, where on a predefined route, following the threads of a story arrives to the school from Let, where next day, they continue their way. From team members at last one must have 18+ years old. Contact us till September 11 on 0766.611066 phone, or by mail What you need: bicycle, camera, or smartphone, adventure spirit, creativity, logical thinking, name for your team, izolir, sleeping bag. The second day of the tour will be a regular one, on the following route: LET, Moacsa, Dalnic, Albis, Cernat, Icafalău, Kézdivásárhely. The organizers will provide dinner, breakfast, luggage transportation, and the hosting of participants in a school. Participants contribution 15 lei / per person. We honor the participants with prizes (gifts , diplomas and not least ensure the adventure on Nemira Trail.


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