A very interesting short film was released recently on the youtube, but we can find it on several transilvanian sites as well. It draws attention, it is a dashing compilation, in which suprisinglyu many young people talk. A basic message is the call to buy local products. But why was this film produced? What is the Green Sun Association undertake for? The direct information is why is it essential to deal with this issue? Looking for these answers we asked Ráduly Attila, the chairman of the Associaton. (The interviewer: Csáki Rozália) How did the idea of producing this short film came to life? Let’s think about the fact, how many things we buy and use every day. Let’s look inside for a moment and let’s remember, that we payed attention to the provenance of the products. The people nowadays have the respoinsability, to hand over to their children a cleaner and viable world. This summer I was helping one of my former professors, Kósa Istvan (Associate professor at Sapienntia EMTE) to camp students on the university.l When we entered a local restaurant he ordered mineral water, which was not a local product and I adressed him, that if it is not a local product, than he should not buy it, and if many guest think in the same way, the owner of the restaurant has to purchase local mineral water. Our region is rich in mineral waters. From this started the whole idea for this canmpaign. The short film is part of our campaign called Buy Local Products. The campaign has the following parts: 1. Advertising our campaign film in 3 different languages (using Hungarian synch and Romanian ang English subtitles. In the campaign film the representatives of 21 ( the slogan is also from 21 words is) civil organization aligned and talked about the importance of local products. The film is popularized on community sites, in local television and educational institutes. The film brought more than 15.000 viewer ( just on youtube). Our goal is to popularize in parallel with the film of local products also the non profit sector. I believe, that the non profit sector earns more attention, because many people do not know about their existence and activities, this is why the representatives, leaders of these perform in this film. In my opinionin this way it is a more authentic this vide, because these organizations act everyday for their close and broad community. During the filmation we deliberately did not involve in rendering our information for example actors or presenters. 2.The organisations of meetings in tranylvanian cities ( for example: Kézdivásárhely, Sepsiszentgyörgy, etc.) The first such consultation was organized in Kézdivásárhelyen on September 30. The second meeting was held in Sepsiszentgyörgy on November 22. The theme of the meetings: the take of responsability for the society, it was the alternative for longterm expansion of companies. 3. The spreading in wide range of the T-shirts with the billingual inscription: „Buy local Products”. 4.The organization of Happenings in different settlements. The first event was held in the center of Kézdivásárhely on September 30 with 30 minutes before the presentation of the campaign. 5.Stick-on labels for bicycles and cars. 6.Wall-calendar with the inscription: Buy Local Products! ( See calendar in attachment). We must thank the Green Transylvania Association from kolozsvar for giving free run of their badge of Environmental aware buyer. What do you want to transmit with it? With our campaign we want to adress to the consumers and dealers. To the consumers because we want to tell, that when they buy, they vote with their money, but pay with their health in the future. They are not concerned with the future, so if they buy their votes are not for a local product. The modern man of today buys and eats the imported muck. Do not back up the environmental pollution, a use of chemicals, childlabour, the mass production of the blunt, harmful and unnecessary things. The garbage is senseless waste of money, it is worth to think about how much we throw away from what we buy. We are appealing to entrepreneurs through meetings. To whom and how have you tried to pass the message to? By the advertisment of our campaign our association exploited the opportinities given by the Internet. We are present on websites, which are used and wellkonown in Transylvania ( Facebook, Iwiw, Twitter, Blog, Hi5, youtube) but we can not forget about our mailing lists, various chat programs. In the advertising we were helped by ou partners (they even spoke in the video) and mediapartners as well. Does the action have increment? Or what are you expecting from it? The increment can be felt 100% by now. This is because the local products has become talking point where it was not until now. In the close region people observed our campaign and message. This is confirmed by the fact, that were invited to a juvenile meeting to present our campaign to participants. What is your next planned step in this cause? I recommended one of my former teacher from the university these days, that we have to analyze, with the help of a sociological survey, if for example the people from Haromszek ( the campaign started herer) are favouring the local and national product. We would like to get at places and layers with our campaign, where people do not use the Internet or read papers. It has to be the first thing the buyer glimpse at, when entering into the shop,
Translate: Csutak Magdolna