I’m Bajkó Szende and at the moment I’m a volunteer at the Green Sun Association. How did this happen? Well the answer is very simple: wrapped up in my monotonous daily life, I was wondering how I could be useful to the public sphere. How could I do something nice or at least do a deed that would make me feel a bit important. That is how I thought of becoming a volunteer and found this association. It simply captivated me!!! The principles they profess are entirely mine as well. Environmental protection plays an important role in my life, so I filled in the application form and I joined the group. I am happy that I acted so; I met many new people, made friends and I became a member of a real team, also gaining a lot of experience. All I can advise to every person who wants to act, to take the bull by its horns. Come and join the Green Sun Association and try yourself as a volunteer!
Translation: György Andrea