The Green Sun Association in partnership with the Elementary School from Kézdikővár started a new interactive after school program for the kids from the village.
Beginning from 3 March every Thursday during one hour the volunteers of the organization will be there to hold workshops, green games, watch green movies, to share experiences and so on. We can assure the children’s from our program that there will be a lot of interesting surprises for them. Photos from the event are available on the organization Facebook page. On the first day the participants get acquainted with the 2 EVS volunteers Silvia and Enrique and with members of the organization.
They were listening with lot of interest the presentation of the volunteers, and they were highly motivated t learn more and new things about Spain. After they enjoyed a lot the games which followed the presentations. The children’s during the activities learn a bit about Spain and they could try out some games witch aim was to make stronger the future collaboration between them and the organization members too. At the end they had invented together a green fairytale. Sponsors: Erasmus+ and the Székelyföldi Tehetségsegítő Tanács