On July 18, 2015 Green Sun association organizes a bike tour on the Nemere Trail. During the tour will be achieved following locations: Kézdivásárhely – Kézdiszentlélek – Kézdiszentkereszt – Bélafalva – Kurtapatak – Esztelnek – Csomortán – Kézdialmás – Lemhény – Bereck – Kézdimartonos – Ozsdola – Sárfalva – Oroszfalu.
Equipment needed: suitable clothing, pocket money according to personal preference and not least a functional bicycle. Nemere Trail was created specifically for the purpose of making known the region’s natural and cultural values of the region. The road length of 230 km has 30 springs and 78 valuable cultural monuments and pass through 50 towns of the Depression Kézdivásárhely and Orbai region. We expect everyone to ride 62 km long, and please note that children under 14 years old need written parental consent to participate in the tour. (You can request form by mail). For information please call 0766.611066, Ráduly Attila or send a mail at attilaraduly@yahoo.com. The tour is seasoned with visiting natural and tourist attractions. In case of bad weather tour will be held on a later date notified by the organizers.